Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Artventurous Tuesday

I woke up this morning and I was in a pink and yellow mood. What can that mean? I journaled about that list I wrote at the beginning of my summer vacation. As I looked over it I noticed that I wasn't following through on most of them. OK, all except ONE of them. LOL!

Can you guess which thing on my list I'm sticking to? If you said "drinking coffee..." you're right! You may notice that woman on top of the coffee cups from an ATC I made last week. I blew her up on the copier so she wouldn't fall into the cup!

When I opened this page a paper napkin with tulips fell out begging to be used. How perfect since I didn't feel like painting this large page. And you know what else? I saw these tulips and thought "I'll never have tulips but I'll always have art." Tulips don't grow in my garden and they never will. No problem. But the art will always keep growing and growing and growing.....no problem!

I got up super early today. It was one of those mornings when you can't get back to sleep. I figured instead of wasting time in bed trying to keep my eyes shut when they wouldn't, I should just get up and make some art. And so began my Artventurous Tuesday.

I started my morning by with a large mug of coffee and pulling out my trusty journal. I can't believe I'm very near the end. Seems like I've been working in it for ages. Well, actually I have. You see, I get side-tracked a lot with various art projects and life issues that I end up not being a very loyal journalist. BUT I do try to make at least 2 entries per week - 3 on a good week. Did I just hear the purists out there fainting?!

After completing a couple entries, I began searching for a new journal and found an interesting one. I may have to glue a 2 - 3 pages together though because the pages are not heavy enough to stand up to layers of paint. You know me and paint. As you can see from the above pages I always have to add color and sometimes one shade is not enough! Did you journal today and if so, what did you journal about?


Bea said...

First of all, Linda, I HAVE YOUR BACK. As the purists advance waving their completed daily art journals in your face, I'll pat your back and tell you it's ok.
I love the fact that you take time out for YOURSELF and do work in your "LIFE JOURNAL". I honestly think if we change what we call our art journals to something more positive we won't get so up tight when we don't "work on them daily".
It's our LIFE JOURNAL ART. We create when we need to create, have to create, want to create.
AND, I have so enjoyed what you have shared with us. I love your colors, your sense of humor, your lists, your "life journal".
pat, pat, pat :) Bea

Teri said...

You always are doing the most interesting things Linda! I just love looking at your art and wondering how you did it and what inspired you. Fascinating.

I look at the things you gave me and it scares me to death, but one of these days (when I get organized) I am going to take them out and play.

Stampmaiden said...

Thanks for the "pats" Bea! You made my day with those comments.
Teri, thanks for stopping by! Hey, when you're ready to dive into that pack, go for it.

Sherry Goodloe said...

Did I tell you I just lOVE that woman you created for the atc's and now have blown up for your journal page? Oh yeah, I think I asked (begged) you to put one to the side for me for the trade at the RSC this Saturday. oooooh just a few more days left!! :)

soulbrush said...

have never journalled before, not sure i have the time. actually i need to manage my time better...spend a lot of time on my computer and not enough time painting right now, holidays hurry up, i need you!will e mail you later going to babysit maggie munchkin...yay!

soulbrush said...

oh hell, i forgot to say 'these are fabadabadoo...like you!' ooh it rhymes, maybe i should start a poetry journal...nnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

BT said...

Oh Linda, your art overwhelms me. I think 'I'll make some ACTs' then I can't think what to do. Your ideas are fabulous and so well executed. Pat pat pat. ~sigh~

Unknown said...

love all three of these pages, just beautiful and inspiring!